Tip of the Month: Equipment Lists User Groups

Written by Megan
Updated 10 months ago

Equipment Lists User Groups allow administrators to apply user-based permissions to groups of lists, streamlining the workflow within Equipment Lists, and ensuring better overall security and organization.

Here are three key benefits to User Groups in Tractor Zoom Pro:

Efficiently Segment Lists by Group or Office Location

Many associations have requested the ability to segment their multiple offices into groups to eliminate scrolling through many equipment lists.

Administrators can create these groups based on various criteria, including association, branch, location, or region, and add existing users to any.

In your Equipment Lists home, you'll see a list of established user groups for easier navigation in addition to an "All Equipment Lists" option.

Build in Organization

Instead of dozens of lists compiled in one spot, User Groups creates layers within your Association to better track and organize a multitude of lists.

In your Equipment Lists home, you'll see a list of established user groups for easier navigation in addition to an "All Equipment Lists" option.

User groups simplify the management of Equipment List-related tasks, enabling users to focus on only their specific lists or responsibilities within the system.

Enhance Security

By associating users with specific groups, administrators can control edit-access to the Equipment Lists, ensuring that each user can only edit the lists assigned to their group.

This feature can be used to limit permissions within a particular user group and ensure a secure process within individual offices. If a user is not part of an established group, they can only view and download PDFs related to the Equipment Lists.

Need more help understanding User Groups? Reach out to Jesse Scott with your questions.

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